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Listed below are the details for the data element.

Element Type
Common Data Element
Health and Behavior Inventory (HBI) - parent retrospective concentration difficulty scale
Short Description
Scale for how often the parent thinks the patient/subject had difficulty concentrating four weeks prior to the injury, as a part of Health Behavior Inventory (HBI).
Scale for how often the parent thinks the patient/subject had difficulty concentrating four weeks prior to the injury, as a part of Health Behavior Inventory (HBI).

Biomedical Terminologies and Standards

Creation Date
Historical Notes
HBI Parent Retrospective Version Q3
TBI: Ayr, L., Yeates, K., Taylor, H., and Brown, M. (2009). Dimensions of post-concussive symptoms in children with mild traumatic brain injuries. J Int Neuropsychol Soc 15, 19-30. Fay, T., Yeates, K., Taylor, H., Bangert, B., Dietrich, A., Nuss, K., Rusin, J., and Wright, M. (2010). Cognitive reserve as a moderator of postconcussive symptoms in children with complicated and uncomplicated mild traumatic brain injury. J Int Neuropsychol Soc 16, 94-105. Hajek, C., Yeates, K., Taylor, H., Bangert, B., Dietrich, A., Nuss, K., Rusin, J., and Wright, M. (2011). Agreement between parents and children on ratings of postconcussive symptoms following mild traumatic brain injury. Child Neuropsychol. Moran, L., Taylor, H., Rusin, J., Bangert, B., Dietrich, A., Nuss, K., Wright, M., and Yeates, K. (2011). Do post-concussive symptoms discriminate injury severity in pediatric mild traumatic brain injury? J Head Trauma Rehabil. Taylor, H., Dietrich, A., Nuss, K., Wright, M., Rusin, J., Bangert, B., Minich, N., and Yeates, K. (2010). Post-concussive symptoms in children with mild traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychology 24, 148-159.

Data Type
Numeric Values
Input Restrictions
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected
TBI: For each problem, please rate your child based on the 4 weeks prior to the injury using the scale below. ----- TBI (TBIACUTE): For each problem, please rate your child based on the 4 weeks prior to the injury using the scale below. ----- TBI (TBIEPID): For each problem, please rate your child based on the 4 weeks prior to the injury using the scale below. ----- TBI (TBIMOD): For each problem, please rate your child based on the 4 weeks prior to the injury using the scale below. ----- TBI (TBIMILD): For each problem, please rate your child based on the 4 weeks prior to the injury using the scale below.
Preferred Question Text
Has difficulty concentrating
Category Groups and Classifications
Traumatic Brain Injury Outcomes and End Points Post-concussive/TBI-Related Symptoms


Epidemiology :
Concussion/Mild TBI :
Acute Hospitalized :
Moderate/Severe TBI: Rehabilitation :

Admin Information

Effective Date
Until Date
Last Change Date
Tue Sep 07 15:25:49 EDT 2021
See Also
Submitting Organization Name
Submitting Contact Name
Olga Vovk
Submitting Contact Information
Steward Organization Name
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