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Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence Third Edition (WPPSI-III) Word Reasoning section - Response text
Short Description
Response per item, as part of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence Third Edition (WPPSI-III) Word Reasoning subtest
Response per item, as part of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence Third Edition (WPPSI-III) Word Reasoning subtest

Biomedical Terminologies and Standards

For item 1-9, one response per item; For item 10-23, two responses correspond to two cues; For item 24-28, three responses correspond to three cues
Creation Date
Historical Notes
Copyright 2002 by NCS Pearson, Inc (http://www.pearsonclinical.com/). Wechsler, D. (1989). Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence Revised. San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.

Data Type
Input Restrictions
Free-Form Entry
Maximum Character Quantity
Start Age 4-5: Samples A and B, then Item 1; Age 6-7: Samples A and B, then Item 6; Reverse: Score of 0 on either of the first two items given, administer preceding items in reverse order until two consecutive perfect scores are obtained. Discontinue after 5 consecutive scores of 0; WR scoring rules: score 0 or 1 point; See the Administration and Scoring Manual for sample responses; Item (clue): A (This is an animal that goes meow.), B (This is a word you say when you are leaving.), 1 (This person wears diapers and crawls.), 2 (This falls from the sky and gets things wet.), 3 (This drink comes from a cow.), 4 (This is an animal with feathers.), 5 (This is round and bounces.), 6 (This is something you use to cover a cut on your finger.), 7 (This is what you wear to keep your hands warm.), 8 (This is a room where people cook.), 9 (This person brings letters to people.), C-I (This is up in the sky�), C-II (and it makes you feel warm.), 10-I (This is a funny person�), 10-II (and you see them at the circus.), 11-I (This is part of your face�), 11-II (and you use it to eat and talk.), 12-I (These are part of your body�), 12-II (and you walk on them.), 13-I (This person works in a hospital�), 13-II (and you visit them when you are sick.), 14-I (This is a sound people make with their mouth�), 14-II ( when funny things happen.), 15-I (This is something you plug in�), 15-II (and it is used for cleaning.), 16-I (This is something you do with your mouth�), 16-II (and it sounds like music.), 17-I (This is something you chew�), 17-II (and it can make bubbles.), 18-I ( This is inside your body�), 18-II (and it is very hard.), 19-I (This is something that floats in the sky�), 19-II (and rain or snow can fall from it.), 20-I (This is filled with air�), 20-II (and a string keeps it from floating away.), 21-I (This has a shell�), 21-II (and young birds come from it.), 22-I (This person drives a car with flashing lights�), 22-II ( and they climb ladders.), 23-I (This has two wheels�), 23-II (and it needs gas to run.), 24-I (This has a beginning and an end�), 24-II (and it is short or long�), 24-III (and it can be said or read.), 25-I (This is made of metal or paper�), 25-II (and people work for it�), 25-III (and you use it to get things.), 26-I (This can be hot or cold�), 26-II (and you can�t always see it�), 26-III (and it makes things move.), 27-I ( This can be recycled�), 27-II (and it changes every day�), 27-III (and it is something you read.), 28-I (This is something you can do anytime�), 28-II (and you may not know when you are doing it�), 28-III (and it may or may not be real.)
Preferred Question Text
Category Groups and Classifications
Traumatic Brain Injury Assessments and Examinations Physical/Neurological Examination
General (For all diseases) Assessments and Examinations Physical/Neurological Examination


Concussion/Mild TBI :
Acute Hospitalized :
Moderate/Severe TBI: Rehabilitation :
Epidemiology :
General (For all diseases) :
WPPSI_III , Word_Reasoning

Admin Information

Effective Date
Until Date
Last Change Date
Tue Nov 26 14:35:09 EST 2019
See Also
Submitting Organization Name
Submitting Contact Name
Juilien Hsu
Submitting Contact Information
Steward Organization Name
Steward Contact Name
Olga Vovk
Steward Contact Information

Change History