Common Data Element: Military Acute Concussion Evaluation (MACE and MACE2) - Delayed recall bubble score
Listed below are the details for the data element.
Element Type
Common Data Element
Military Acute Concussion Evaluation (MACE and MACE2) - Delayed recall bubble score
Short Description
Delayed recall bubble score, as part of Military Acute Concussion Evaluation (MACE and MACE2).
Delayed recall bubble score, as part of Military Acute Concussion Evaluation (MACE and MACE2).
Creation Date
Historical Notes
Kay, S., Wolkenfeld, F., and Murrill, L. (1988). Profiles of aggression among psychiatric patients. I. Nature and prevalence. J Nerv Ment Dis 176(9), 539-546. Yudofsky, S., Silver, J., Jackson, W., Endicott, J., and Williams, D. (1986). The Overt Aggression Scale for the objective rating of verbal and physical aggression. Am J Psychiatry 143(1), 35-39.
Data Type
Numeric Values
Input Restrictions
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected
Do NOT reread the word list. Delayed Recall Assess the patient's ability to retain previously learned information by asking he/she to recall as many words as possible from the initial word list, without having the word list read again for this trial. DO YOU REMEMBER THAT LIST OF WORDS I READ A FEW MINUTES EARLIER? I WANT YOU TO TELL ME AS MANY WORDS FROM THE LIST AS YOU CAN REMEMBER IN ANY ORDER. One point for each word remembered for a total of 5 possible points. Total score= Add up from the 4 assessed domains: immediate memory, orientation, concentration and memory recall.
Do NOT reread the word list. Delayed Recall Assess the patient's ability to retain previously learned information by asking he/she to recall as many words as possible from the initial word list, without having the word list read again for this trial. DO YOU REMEMBER THAT LIST OF WORDS I READ A FEW MINUTES EARLIER? I WANT YOU TO TELL ME AS MANY WORDS FROM THE LIST AS YOU CAN REMEMBER IN ANY ORDER. One point for each word remembered for a total of 5 possible points. Total score= Add up from the 4 assessed domains: immediate memory, orientation, concentration and memory recall.
Do NOT reread the word list. Delayed Recall Assess the patient's ability to retain previously learned information by asking he/she to recall as many words as possible from the initial word list, without having the word list read again for this trial. DO YOU REMEMBER THAT LIST OF WORDS I READ A FEW MINUTES EARLIER? I WANT YOU TO TELL ME AS MANY WORDS FROM THE LIST AS YOU CAN REMEMBER IN ANY ORDER. One point for each word remembered for a total of 5 possible points. Total score= Add up from the 4 assessed domains: immediate memory, orientation, concentration and memory recall.
Do NOT reread the word list. Delayed Recall Assess the patient's ability to retain previously learned information by asking he/she to recall as many words as possible from the initial word list, without having the word list read again for this trial. DO YOU REMEMBER THAT LIST OF WORDS I READ A FEW MINUTES EARLIER? I WANT YOU TO TELL ME AS MANY WORDS FROM THE LIST AS YOU CAN REMEMBER IN ANY ORDER. One point for each word remembered for a total of 5 possible points. Total score= Add up from the 4 assessed domains: immediate memory, orientation, concentration and memory recall.
Do NOT reread the word list. Delayed Recall Assess the patient's ability to retain previously learned information by asking he/she to recall as many words as possible from the initial word list, without having the word list read again for this trial. DO YOU REMEMBER THAT LIST OF WORDS I READ A FEW MINUTES EARLIER? I WANT YOU TO TELL ME AS MANY WORDS FROM THE LIST AS YOU CAN REMEMBER IN ANY ORDER. One point for each word remembered for a total of 5 possible points. Total score= Add up from the 4 assessed domains: immediate memory, orientation, concentration and memory recall.
Preferred Question Text
Ask the patient to recall the 5 words from the earlier memory test
Category Groups and Classifications
Disease | Domain | Sub-Domain |
Traumatic Brain Injury | Outcomes and End Points | Military Studies |
Traumatic Brain Injury:
Acute Hospitalized
Concussion/Mild TBI
Moderate/Severe TBI: Rehabilitation