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Listed below are the details for the data element.

Element Type
Common Data Element
NIH Toolbox Emotion Perceived Stress Parent Report CAT 8 to 12 - Confident scale
Short Description
Scale of parent report of how often their child appeared confident about his or her ability to handle personal problems, in the past month, for ages 8 to 12 as part of the NIH Toolbox Emotion Battery Perceived Stress CAT Parent Report.
Scale of parent report of of how often their child appeared confident about his or her ability to handle personal problems, in the past month for ages 8 to 12 as part of the NIH Toolbox Emotion Battery Perceived Stress Computerized Adaptive Test Parent Report.
CAT indicator SCPxy006m; Reverse Score Item
Creation Date
Historical Notes
NIH Toolbox Perceived Stress Survey Pediatric (8-12) Parent Report is a CAT comprised of items modified from the Perceived Stress Scale-10. (Cohen, S., Kamarck, T., & Mermelstein, R. (1983). A Global Measure of Perceived Stress. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24(4), 385-396.) Provided with permission, Sheldon Cohen, PhD and the American Sociological Association. Copyright 2006-2012 National Institutes of Health and Northwestern University

Data Type
Input Restrictions
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected
The NIH Toolbox Perceived Stress Survey is a self-report measure administered to ages 13-85, as well as a parent-report measure for ages 8 to 12. Both versions are administered as computer-adaptive tests. It assesses how unpredictable, uncontrollable, and overloaded respondents find their lives. Items administered use a 5-point scale, with options ranging from never to very often. Higher scores are indicative of more perceived stress. For more information on scoring, please refer to the NIH Toolbox Scoring and Interpretation Manual: http://www.nihtoolbox.org/WhatAndWhy/Scoring%20Manual/NIH%20Toolbox%20Scoring%20and%20Interpretation%20Manual%209-27 12.pdf
Preferred Question Text
In the past month, how often did your child appear confident about his or her ability to handle personal problems?
Category Groups and Classifications
General (For all diseases) Assessments and Examinations Physical/Neurological Examination
Traumatic Brain Injury Outcomes and End Points Psychiatric and Psychological Status


Traumatic Brain Injury:
Acute Hospitalized
Moderate/Severe TBI: Rehabilitation
Concussion/Mild TBI
General (For all diseases):
EmotionBattery   Perceived_Stress   NIHToolbox  