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Listed below are the details for the data element.

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Common Data Element
NIH Toolbox Sensation Domain Vision Measure Vision-Related Quality of Life Survey - Problem with blurry vision scale
Short Description
Scale for having a problem with blurry vsion in the last 7 days, as part of the NIH Toolbox Sensation Domain Vision Measure Vision-Related Quality of Life Survey
Scale for having a problem with blurry vsion in the last 7 days, as part of the NIH Toolbox Sensation Domain Vision Measure Vision-Related Quality of Life Survey
Question 38
Creation Date
Historical Notes
Copyright 2006-2012 National Institutes of Health and Northwestern University. http://www.nihtoolbox.org/WhatAndWhy/Sensation/Vision/Pages/NIH-Toolbox-Vision-Related-Quality-of-Life-Survey.aspx

Data Type
Input Restrictions
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected
Adult and Pediatric
The NIH Toolbox Vision-Related Quality of Life Survey assesses an individuals self-reported quality of life related to visual function in six different areas: color vision, distance vision, near vision, ocular symptoms, psycho-social, and role performance. The participant responds to 53 questions, most of which start with, How much, To what extent, or How much of a problem, choosing from a list of answer options ranging from Not difficult at all, to Very difficult. This survey is recommended for ages 18-85 and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. Very much of a problem=4;Somewhat of a problem=3;A little bit of a problem=2;No problem at all=6
Preferred Question Text
Answer the questions thinking of your vision as it is when corrected by any glasses or contact lenses that you usually use. <U>In the last 7 days</U>, how much of a problem did you have with blurry vision?
Category Groups and Classifications
Traumatic Brain Injury Outcomes and End Points Physical Function
General (For all diseases) Assessments and Examinations Physical/Neurological Examination


Traumatic Brain Injury:
Moderate/Severe TBI: Rehabilitation
Acute Hospitalized
Concussion/Mild TBI
General (For all diseases):
Vision_Related_Quality_of_Life   Vision   NIH_Toolbox   Sensation   VRQOL  