Form Structure: California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition
This form structure is an organized set of data definitions for a copyrighted form
California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition
Short Name:
Copyright Pearson, Inc. 2000, ( P.O. Box 599700, San Antonio, TX 78259. D.C. Delis, J.H. Kramer, E. Kaplan, B.A. Ober. California Verbal Learning Test second edition. Adult version. Manual, Psychological Corporation, San Antonio, TX (2000)
CVLT-II is used to obtain a detailed and comprehensive assessment of verbal learning and memory.
CDISC, TAUG TBI, Neuropsychological impairment, Knowledge graph, See also
General (For all diseases)
Required Program Form:
Standard NINDS CDE
Form Type:
Clinical Assessment
Publication Date:
Date Created:
Number of Data Elements:
Logically grouped data elements with defined frequency at which they repeat.
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | GUID | Global Unique ID which uniquely identifies a subject | GUID | Required | CDE |
2 | Subject identifier number | An identification number assigned to the participant/subject within a given protocol or a study. | SubjectIDNum | Optional | CDE |
3 | Age in years | Value for participant's subject age recorded in years. | AgeYrs | Recommended | CDE |
4 | Visit date | Actual interview or visit date | VisitDate | Recommended | CDE |
5 | Site name | The name of the site for the study | SiteName | Recommended | CDE |
6 | Days since baseline | The number of days since baseline | DaysSinceBaseline | Optional | CDE |
7 | Case control indicator | Indicator of whether subject is in the case or control arm of the study. | CaseContrlInd | Optional | CDE |
8 | General notes text | General notes | GeneralNotesTxt | Optional | CDE |
Additional Element Groups
Listed below are your additional element groups.
Form Administration (Repeat Infinitely)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | Context type | The context to which the questions were answered | ContextType | Recommended | CDE |
2 | Context type other text | The free-text related to ContextType specifying other text | ContextTypeOTH | Recommended | CDE |
3 | Data source | Source of the data provided on the case report form | DataSource | Recommended | CDE |
4 | Data source other text | The free-text field related to Data source specifying other text. Source of the data provided on the case report form | DataSourceOTH | Recommended | CDE |
Time (Repeat Infinitely)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Finishing time of short delay cued recall | Time at the completion of the short delay cued recall portion, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II). | CVLTShrtDelayCueRecallTime | Recommended | CDE |
2 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Starting time of long delay free recall | Time at the start of the long delay free recall portion, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II). | CVLTLngDelayFrRecallStartTime | Recommended | CDE |
3 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Delay time value | Delay time (in minutes) between the end of the short delay cued recall and the start of the long delay free recall sections , as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II). | CVLTTotDelayTimeVal | Recommended | CDE |
List A (Appears Up To 5 Times)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | Trial number (numeric) | The number representing the sequence for any repeated measure test or assessment when it is performed multiple times. | TrialNumber | Recommended | CDE |
2 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial correct words number | Number of correct words recited by the subject, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTTrialCorrWordsNum | Recommended | CDE |
3 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial intrusions number | Number of intrusions recited by the subject, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTTrialIntrNum | Recommended | CDE |
4 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial repetitions number | Number of repetitions recited by the subject, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTTrialRepNum | Recommended | CDE |
5 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial raw score | Raw score for a given trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTTrialRawScore | Recommended | CDE |
6 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial standard score | Standard score for a given trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II). | CVLTTrialStndrdScore | Recommended | CDE |
7 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Semantic clustering chance adjusted score | Score of the semantic clustering chance adjusted, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTSemClustChncAdjScr | Recommended | CDE |
8 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Recall discriminability score | Recall discriminability score, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTRecDiscrScr | Recommended | CDE |
List B (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial correct words number | Number of correct words recited by the subject, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTTrialCorrWordsNum | Recommended | CDE |
2 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial intrusions number | Number of intrusions recited by the subject, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTTrialIntrNum | Recommended | CDE |
3 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial repetitions number | Number of repetitions recited by the subject, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTTrialRepNum | Recommended | CDE |
4 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial raw score | Raw score for a given trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTTrialRawScore | Recommended | CDE |
5 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial standard score | Standard score for a given trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II). | CVLTTrialStndrdScore | Recommended | CDE |
6 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Semantic clustering chance adjusted score | Score of the semantic clustering chance adjusted, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTSemClustChncAdjScr | Recommended | CDE |
7 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Recall discriminability score | Recall discriminability score, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTRecDiscrScr | Recommended | CDE |
Short-delay (Appears Up To 2 Times)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Type of recall | Type of recall, e.g. cued or free, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTRecallTyp | Recommended | CDE |
2 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial correct words number | Number of correct words recited by the subject, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTTrialCorrWordsNum | Recommended | CDE |
3 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial intrusions number | Number of intrusions recited by the subject, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTTrialIntrNum | Recommended | CDE |
4 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial repetitions number | Number of repetitions recited by the subject, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTTrialRepNum | Recommended | CDE |
5 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial raw score | Raw score for a given trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTTrialRawScore | Recommended | CDE |
6 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial standard score | Standard score for a given trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II). | CVLTTrialStndrdScore | Recommended | CDE |
7 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Cued recall animals correct word numbers | Number of correct words recited by the subject from List A that belong to the category animals , as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II). | CVLTCueAnimalCorrWordsNum | Recommended | CDE |
8 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Cued recall furniture correct word numbers | Number of correct words recited by the subject from List A that belong to the category furniture , as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II). | CVLTCueFurnCorrWordsNum | Recommended | CDE |
9 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Cued recall 'travel' correct word numbers | Number of correct words recited by the subject from List A that belong to the category ';ways of traveling', as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II). | CVLTCueTravelCorrWordsNum | Recommended | CDE |
10 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Cued recall vegetables correct word numbers | Number of correct words recited by the subject from List A that belong to the category vegetables , as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II). | CVLTCueVegCorrWordsNum | Recommended | CDE |
11 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Semantic clustering chance adjusted score | Score of the semantic clustering chance adjusted, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTSemClustChncAdjScr | Recommended | CDE |
12 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Recall discriminability score | Recall discriminability score, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTRecDiscrScr | Recommended | CDE |
Long-delay (Appears Up To 2 Times)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Type of recall | Type of recall, e.g. cued or free, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTRecallTyp | Recommended | CDE |
2 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial correct words number | Number of correct words recited by the subject, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTTrialCorrWordsNum | Recommended | CDE |
3 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial intrusions number | Number of intrusions recited by the subject, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTTrialIntrNum | Recommended | CDE |
4 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial repetitions number | Number of repetitions recited by the subject, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTTrialRepNum | Recommended | CDE |
5 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial raw score | Raw score for a given trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTTrialRawScore | Recommended | CDE |
6 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial standard score | Standard score for a given trial, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II). | CVLTTrialStndrdScore | Recommended | CDE |
7 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Cued recall animals correct word numbers | Number of correct words recited by the subject from List A that belong to the category animals , as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II). | CVLTCueAnimalCorrWordsNum | Recommended | CDE |
8 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Cued recall furniture correct word numbers | Number of correct words recited by the subject from List A that belong to the category furniture , as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II). | CVLTCueFurnCorrWordsNum | Recommended | CDE |
9 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Cued recall 'travel' correct word numbers | Number of correct words recited by the subject from List A that belong to the category ';ways of traveling', as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II). | CVLTCueTravelCorrWordsNum | Recommended | CDE |
10 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Cued recall vegetables correct word numbers | Number of correct words recited by the subject from List A that belong to the category vegetables , as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II). | CVLTCueVegCorrWordsNum | Recommended | CDE |
11 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Semantic clustering chance adjusted score | Score of the semantic clustering chance adjusted, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTSemClustChncAdjScr | Recommended | CDE |
12 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Recall discriminability score | Recall discriminability score, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTRecDiscrScr | Recommended | CDE |
ImmRecallErrors (Repeat Infinitely)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Immediate free recall (trials 1 - 5) correct responses total raw score | Total number of correct words recited by the subject for immediate free recall trials 1-5, calculated as s the sum of correct responses on the five presentations, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTImFrRecTotCorrWordNum | Recommended | CDE |
2 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Immediate free recall (trials 1 - 5) correct raw score | Correct raw score for immediate free recall trials 1-5, calculated as s the sum of correct responses on the five presentations, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTImFrRecCorrRawScr | Recommended | CDE |
3 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Immediate free recall (trials 1 - 5) total correct standard score | Total correct standard score for immediate free recall trials 1-5 correct responses, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTImFrRecCorrStndrdScr | Recommended | CDE |
4 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Total intrusions number | Total number of intrusions, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTotIntrNum | Recommended | CDE |
5 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Free recall intrusions raw score | Total raw score for immediate free recall intrusions from trials 1-5, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTFrRecIntrusnRawScr | Recommended | CDE |
6 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Free recall intrusions standard score | Standard score for free recall intrusions of immediate and delayed trials, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTFrRecIntrsnStndrdScr | Recommended | CDE |
7 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Total repetitions number (a raw score) | Total number of repetitions (a raw score), as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTotRepetNum | Recommended | CDE |
8 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Immediate free recall (trials 1 - 5) total repetitions raw score | Total raw score for immediate free recall repetitions from trials 1-5, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTImFrRecTotRepetRawScr | Recommended | CDE |
9 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Immediate free recall (trials 1 - 5)repetitions standard score | Total standard score for Immediate free recall repetitions from trials 1-5, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTImFrRecTotRepetStndrdScr | Recommended | CDE |
LearningCharactTrials1-5 (Repeat Infinitely)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Semantic clustering chance adjusted score | Score of the semantic clustering chance adjusted, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTSemClustChncAdjScr | Recommended | CDE |
2 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Serial clustering bidirectional chance adjusted score | Score of the serial clustering bidirectional chance adjusted, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTSerClustBCAdjScore | Recommended | CDE |
3 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Serial clustering forward chance adjusted score | Score of the serial clustering forward chance adjusted, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTSerClustFCAdjScore | Recommended | CDE |
4 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Subjective clustering bidirectional chance adjusted score | Score of the subjective clustering bidirectional chance adjusted, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTSubClustBCAdjScore | Recommended | CDE |
5 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Recall primacy percentage raw score | Recall primacy percentage, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTRecPrimacyPercent | Recommended | CDE |
6 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Recall middle percentage | Recall middle percentage, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTRecMiddlePercent | Recommended | CDE |
7 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Recall recency percentage raw score | Recall recency percentage, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTRecRecencyPercent | Recommended | CDE |
8 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Recall consistency percentage raw score | Recall consistency percentage, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTRecConsistPercent | Recommended | CDE |
9 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Recall consistency percentage standard score | Standard score of the recall consistency percentage, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTRecConsistStndrdScr | Recommended | CDE |
10 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Total accuracy expressed as a percent value | Percent accuracy as part of the CVLT-II | CVLTTotAccurPrcntVal | Recommended | CDE |
LearningSlope (Repeat Infinitely)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Total learning slope score for trials 1-5 | Total score of the learning slope for trials 1-5, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTotLSScore | Recommended | CDE |
2 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Learning slope score for trials 1-2 | Score of the learning slope for trials 1-2, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTrial12LSScore | Recommended | CDE |
3 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Total learning slope score for trials 2-5 | Score of the learning slope for trials 2-5, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTrial25LSScore | Recommended | CDE |
IntrusionAnalysis (Repeat Infinitely)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Total intrusions number | Total number of intrusions, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTotIntrNum | Recommended | CDE |
2 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Total intrusions raw score | Total intrusions raw score, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTotIntrRawScr | Recommended | CDE |
3 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Total intrusions standard score | Total intrusions standard score, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTotIntrStndrdScr | Recommended | CDE |
4 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Free recall intrusions number | Number of free recall intrusions, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTFrRecTotIntrNum | Recommended | CDE |
5 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Free recall intrusions raw score | Total raw score for immediate free recall intrusions from trials 1-5, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTFrRecIntrRawScr | Recommended | CDE |
6 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Free recall intrusions standard score | Standard score for free recall intrusions of immediate and delayed trials, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTFrRecIntrStndrdScr | Recommended | CDE |
7 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Cued recall trials intrusions number | Number intrusions for all cued recall trials, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTCueRecTotIntrNum | Recommended | CDE |
8 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Cued recall trials intrusions total raw score | Total intrusions raw score for cued recall trials, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTCueRecIntrRawScr | Recommended | CDE |
9 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Cued recall trials intrusions total standard score | Total intrusions standard score for cued recall trials, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTCueRecIntrStndrdScr | Recommended | CDE |
10 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Delayed recall trials intrusions number | Number intrusions for all of delayed recall trials, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTDelayRecTotIntrNum | Recommended | CDE |
11 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Delayed recall trials intrusions total raw score | Total intrusions raw score for delayed recall trials, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTDelayRecTotIntrRawScr | Recommended | CDE |
12 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Delayed recall trials intrusions total standard score | Total intrusions standard score for delayed recall trials, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTDelayRecTotIntrStndrdScr | Recommended | CDE |
RecallDiscrimin (Repeat Infinitely)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Immediate recall trials discriminability score | Recall discriminability score for immediate recall trials, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTRecDiscrImmRecScr | Recommended | CDE |
2 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Long-delay free recall trials discriminability score | Recall discriminability score for long delay trials, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTRecDiscrLdScr | Recommended | CDE |
3 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Short-delay free recall trials discriminability score | Recall discriminability score for short delay trials, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTRecDiscrSdScr | Recommended | CDE |
4 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Free recall trials discriminability score | Recall discriminability score for free recall trials , as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTRecDiscrFreeRecScr | Recommended | CDE |
5 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Cued recall trials discriminability score | Recall discriminability score for cued recall trials, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTRecDiscrCueRecScr | Recommended | CDE |
6 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Delayed recall trials discriminability score | Recall discriminability score for delayed recall trials, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTRecDiscrDelRecScr | Recommended | CDE |
LongDelayYesNoRecogn (Repeat Infinitely)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Total hits number | Total number of correct items identified by the subject, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTotHitsNum | Recommended | CDE |
2 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Source recognition discriminability score | Score of source recognition discriminability, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTSrcRecogDiscrimScr | Recommended | CDE |
3 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Semantic recognition discriminability score | Score of semantic recognition discriminability, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTSemRecogDiscrimScr | Recommended | CDE |
4 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Novel recognition discriminability score | Score for novel recognition discriminability, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTNovRecogDiscrimScr | Recommended | CDE |
5 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Total response bias score | Score for total response bias, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTotRespBiasScore | Recommended | CDE |
6 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Forced choice recognition hits raw score | Raw score for forced choice recognition hits of the long delay trial, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTYesNoRecognHitsRawScr | Recommended | CDE |
7 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Forced choice recognition hits standard score | Standard score for forced choice recognition hits of the long delay trial, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTYesNoRecognHitsStndrdScr | Recommended | CDE |
8 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Total false-positives number | Total number of false-positives produced by the subject, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTotFalsePositivesNum | Recommended | CDE |
9 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Total false-positives raw score | Total raw score for false-positives produced by the subject, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTotFalsePositivesRawScr | Recommended | CDE |
10 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Total false-positives standard score | Total standard score for false-positives produced by the subject, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTotFalsePositivesStndrdScr | Recommended | CDE |
11 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Across trials consistency score | Across trials consistency score, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTAcrossTrialCosistScr | Recommended | CDE |
Totals (Repeat Infinitely)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Total accuracy score for long delay forced choice recognition trials | Total accuracy score for long delay forced choice recognition trials, recorded in percentile, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTotAccuracyScr | Recommended | CDE |
2 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT - II) - Trial correct words number | Number of correct words recited by the subject, as part of California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) . | CVLTTotCorrWordsNum | Recommended | CDE |
3 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Total intrusions number | Total number of intrusions, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTotIntrNum | Recommended | CDE |
4 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Total hits number | Total number of correct items identified by the subject, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTotHitsNum | Recommended | CDE |
5 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Total repetitions number (a raw score) | Total number of repetitions (a raw score), as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTotRepetNum | Recommended | CDE |
6 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - raw score | Raw score, calculated based on performance in trials 1-5, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTotRawScr | Recommended | CDE |
7 | California Verbal Learning Test - Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Total standard score for trials 1-5 | Total standard score for trials 1-5, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTotStndrdScr | Recommended | CDE |
8 | California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Total recognition discriminability raw score | Total raw score for recognition discriminability of the long delay trials, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTotRecognitDiscrimRawScr | Recommended | CDE |
9 | California Verbal Learning Test- Second Edition (CVLT-II) - Total recognition discriminability standard score | Total standard score for recognition discriminability of the long delay trials, as part of the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II). | CVLTTotRecogDiscrimStndrdScore | Recommended | CDE |