Form Structure: Language Sample Analysis (LSA)
This form structure is an organized set of data definitions for a copyrighted form
Language Sample Analysis (LSA)
Short Name:
Language sample analysis remains a powerful method of documenting language use in everyday speaking situations. This form structure is created based on definitions provided for the language sample analysis using Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT) software ( Copyright Saltsoftware. References: Jon F. Miller, Karen Andriacchi, and Ann Nockerts, Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, April 2016, Vol. 47, 99-112. doi:10.1044/2015_LSHSS-15-0051. Received July 7, 2015; Revised September 2, 2015; Accepted November 30, 2015
Traumatic Brain Injury
Required Program Form:
Standard NINDS CDE
Form Type:
Clinical Assessment
Date Created:
Number of Data Elements:
Logically grouped data elements with defined frequency at which they repeat.
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | GUID | Global Unique ID which uniquely identifies a subject | GUID | Required | CDE |
2 | Subject identifier number | An identification number assigned to the participant/subject within a given protocol or a study. | SubjectIDNum | Optional | CDE |
3 | Age in years | Value for participant's subject age recorded in years. | AgeYrs | Recommended | CDE |
4 | Vital status | Status of participant/subject as alive or dead | VitStatus | Optional | CDE |
5 | Visit date | Actual interview or visit date | VisitDate | Recommended | CDE |
6 | Site name | The name of the site for the study | SiteName | Recommended | CDE |
7 | Days since baseline | The number of days since baseline | DaysSinceBaseline | Optional | CDE |
8 | Case control indicator | Indicator of whether subject is in the case or control arm of the study. | CaseContrlInd | Optional | CDE |
9 | General notes text | General notes | GeneralNotesTxt | Optional | CDE |
Additional Element Groups
Listed below are your additional element groups.
Form Administration (Appears 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | Language form administration ISO code | Code (ISO 639-2) for the language that was used for CRF/instrument/scale/etc. administration | LangCRFAdministratISOCode | Recommended | CDE |
2 | Language form administration ISO code other text | The free-text field related to 'Language used for CRF/instrument/scale/etc. administration ISO code' specifying other text. | LangCRFAdministratISOCodeOTH | Recommended | CDE |
3 | Context type | The context to which the questions were answered | ContextType | Recommended | CDE |
4 | Context type other text | The free-text related to ContextType specifying other text | ContextTypeOTH | Recommended | CDE |
5 | Data source | Source of the data provided on the case report form | DataSource | Recommended | CDE |
6 | Data source other text | The free-text field related to Data source specifying other text. Source of the data provided on the case report form | DataSourceOTH | Recommended | CDE |
Language Measure (Appears 30 Times)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | Subject age standard deviation | Standard deviation (SD) of the subject age | SubjectAgeSD | Recommended | UDE |
2 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Sample transcription file | File that contains audio of the subject's representative sample of the child's spontaneous language, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSASampleTranscriptFile | Recommended | CDE |
3 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Sample transcription text | The text of the transcription of the subject's representative sample of the child's spontaneous language, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSASampleTranscriptTxt | Recommended | CDE |
4 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Reference sample language and database type | Type of the reference language sample database and sample (e.g. play database, conversation database, narrative database), as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSASampleRefDatabaseTyp | Recommended | CDE |
5 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Reference sample language database name | Name of the reference language sample database, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAReferenceDatabaseName | Recommended | CDE |
Transcript Length (Appears 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Total utterances number | Number of total utterances produced by the subject in a given sample (12 min), as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATotalUtterNum | Recommended | CDE |
2 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Total utterances number standard deviation | Standard deviation (SD) of total number of utterances, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATotalUtterNumSD | Recommended | CDE |
3 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Total utterances number mean value | Mean value of total utterances number, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATotalUtterNumMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
4 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Total utterances min number | Min number of total utterances, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATotalUtterMinNum | Recommended | CDE |
5 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Total utterances max number | Max number of total utterances, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATotalUtterMaxNum | Recommended | CDE |
6 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Total utterances standard deviation percent | Percent of Standard deviation (SD) of total number of utterances, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATotalUtterSDPerc | Recommended | CDE |
7 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Complete and intelligible utterances number | Number of complete and intelligible utterances by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSACompIntellUtterNum | Recommended | CDE |
8 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Complete and intelligible utterances number standard deviation | Standard deviation (SD) of total number of complete and intelligible utterances, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSACompIntellUtterSD | Recommended | CDE |
9 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Complete and intelligible utterances number mean value | Mean value of total complete and intelligible utterances, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSACompIntellUtterMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
10 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Complete and intelligible utterances min number | Min number of complete and intelligible utterances, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSACompIntellUtterMinNum | Recommended | CDE |
11 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Complete and intelligible utterances max number | Max number of complete and intelligible utterances, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSACompIntellUtterMaxNum | Recommended | CDE |
12 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Complete and intelligible utterances standard deviation percent | Percent of Standard deviation (SD) of total number of complete and intelligible utterances, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSACompIntellUtterSDPerc | Recommended | CDE |
13 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Total complete words number | Total number of complete words spoken by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATotalCompWordsNum | Recommended | CDE |
14 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Total complete words number standard deviation | Standard deviation (SD) of total number of complete words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATTotalCompWordsNumSD | Recommended | CDE |
15 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Total complete words number mean value | Mean value of total number of complete words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATotalCompWordsNumMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
16 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Total complete words min number | Min number of total number of complete words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATotalCompWordsMinNum | Recommended | CDE |
17 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Total complete words max number | Max number of total number of complete words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATotalCompWordsMaxNum | Recommended | CDE |
18 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Total complete words standard deviation percent | Percent of Standard deviation (SD) of total number of complete words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATotalCompWordsSDPerc | Recommended | CDE |
19 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Sample total time duration | The total elapsed time for the sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSASampleTotalTimeDur | Recommended | CDE |
20 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Sample total time duration standard deviation | Standard deviation (SD) of sample total time min duration, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSASampleTotalTimeDurSD | Recommended | CDE |
21 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Sample total time duration mean value | Mean value of sample total time min duration, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATSampleTotalTimeDurMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
22 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Sample total time min duration | Min value of sample total time duration, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSASampleTotalTimeMinDur | Recommended | CDE |
23 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Sample total time min duration | Max value of sample total time duration, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSASampleTotalTimeMaxDur | Recommended | CDE |
24 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Sample total time duration standard deviation percent | Percent of standard deviation (SD) of sample total time min duration, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSASampleTotalTimeDurSDPerc | Recommended | CDE |
Syntax Morphology (Appears 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mean length of utterance (MLU) in words value | Value of mean length of utterance (MLU) in words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMLUWordsVal | Recommended | CDE |
2 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mean length of utterance (MLU) in words standard deviation | Standard deviation (SD) of mean length of utterance (MLU) in words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMLUWordsValSD | Recommended | CDE |
3 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mean length of utterance (MLU) in words mean value | Mean value of mean length of utterance (MLU) in words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMLUWordsMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
4 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mean length of utterance (MLU) in words min value | Min value of mean length of utterance (MLU) in words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMLUWordsMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
5 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mean length of utterance (MLU) in words max value | Max value of mean length of utterance (MLU) in words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMLUWordsMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
6 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mean length of utterance (MLU) in words standard deviation percent | Percent of standard deviation (SD) of mean length of utterance (MLU) in words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMLUWordsSDPerc | Recommended | CDE |
7 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mean length of utterance (MLU) in morpheme value | Value of the mean length of utterance (MLU) in morphemes, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMLUMorphVal | Recommended | CDE |
8 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mean length of utterance (MLU) in morpheme standard deviation | Standard deviation (SD) of mean length of utterance (MLU) in words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMLUMorphValSD | Recommended | CDE |
9 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mean length of utterance (MLU) in morpheme mean value | Mean value of mean length of utterance (MLU) in words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMLUMorphMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
10 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mean length of utterance (MLU) in morpheme min value | Min value of mean length of utterance (MLU) in words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMLUMorphMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
11 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mean length of utterance (MLU) in morpheme max value | Max value of mean length of utterance (MLU) in words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMLUMorphMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
12 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mean length of utterance (MLU) in morpheme standard deviation percent | Percent of standard deviation (SD) of mean length of utterance (MLU) in words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMLUMorphSDPerc | Recommended | CDE |
Semantics (Appears 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Different words number | The number of different words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSADifferentWordsNum | Recommended | CDE |
2 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Different words number standard deviation | Standard deviation (SD) of number of different words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSADifferentWordsSD | Recommended | CDE |
3 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Different words number mean value | Mean value of number of different words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSADifferentWordsMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
4 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Different words number min value | Min value of number of different words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSADifferentWordsMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
5 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Different words number max value | Max value of number of different words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSADifferentWordsMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
6 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Different words number standard deviation percent | Standard deviation percent (%SD) of number of different words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSADifferentWordsSDPerc | Recommended | CDE |
7 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Total words number | The total number of words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATotalWordsNum | Recommended | CDE |
8 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Total words number standard deviation | Standard deviation (SD) of total number of words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATotalWordsSD | Recommended | CDE |
9 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Total words number mean value | Mean value of the total number of words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATotalWordsMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
10 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Total words number min value | Min value of the total number of words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATotalWordsMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
11 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Total words number max value | Max value of the total number of words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATotalWordsMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
12 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Total words number %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of the total number of words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATotalWordsSDPerc | Recommended | CDE |
13 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Type token ratio number | The type token ratio for a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATypeTokenRatioNum | Recommended | CDE |
14 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Type token ratio standard deviation | Standard deviation (SD) of type token ratio for a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATypeTokenRatioSD | Recommended | CDE |
15 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Type token ratio mean value | Mean value of the type token ratio for a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATypeTokenRatioMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
16 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Type token ratio min value | Min Value of the type token ratio for a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATypeTokenRatioMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
17 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Type token ratio max value | Max value of the type token ratio for a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATypeTokenRatioMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
18 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Type token ratio %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of the type token ratio for a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSATypeTokenRatioSDPerc | Recommended | CDE |
Discourse (Appears 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mean turn length (MTL) value | Value of mean turn length in words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMTLVal | Recommended | CDE |
2 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mean turn length (MTL) value standard deviation | Standard deviation (SD) of the value of mean turn length in words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMTLValSD | Recommended | CDE |
3 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mean turn length (MTL) mean value | Mean value of mean turn length in words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMTLMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
4 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mean turn length (MTL) min value | Min value of mean turn length in words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMTLMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
5 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mean turn length (MTL) max value | Max value of mean turn length in words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMTLMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
6 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mean turn length (MTL) value %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of the value of mean turn length in words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMTLValSDPerc | Recommended | CDE |
7 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Responses to questions percentage | Percentage of response to questions a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAResponseQuestPerc | Recommended | CDE |
8 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Responses to questions percentage standard deviation | Standard deviation (SDD) of percentage of response to questions a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAResponseQuestPercSD | Recommended | CDE |
9 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Responses to questions percentage mean value | Mean value of percentage of response to questions a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAResponseQuestPercMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
10 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Responses to questions percentage min value | Min value of percentage of response to questions a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAResponseQuestPercMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
11 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Responses to questions percentage max value | Max value of percentage of response to questions a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAResponseQuestPercMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
12 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Responses to questions percentage %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of response to questions a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAResponseQuestSDPerc | Recommended | CDE |
13 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Utterances with overlaps number | The number of utterances with overlaps by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAUtterWithOverlapsNum | Recommended | CDE |
14 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Utterances with overlaps number standard deviation | Standard deviation (SD) of the number of utterances with overlaps by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAUtterWithOverlapsNumSD | Recommended | CDE |
15 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Utterances with overlaps number mean value | Mean value of the number of utterances with overlaps by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAUtterWithOverlapsNumMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
16 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Utterances with overlaps number min value | Min number of the number of utterances with overlaps by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAUtterWithOverlapsNumMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
17 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Utterances with overlaps number max value | Max number of the number of utterances with overlaps by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAUtterWithOverlapsNumMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
18 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Utterances with overlaps number %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of the number of utterances with overlaps by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAUtterOverlapNumPercSD | Recommended | CDE |
19 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Interruptions number | Number of times the subject interrupted other speaker during a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAInterrupNum | Recommended | CDE |
20 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Interruptions number standard deviation | Standard deviation (SD) of the number of times the subject interrupted other speaker during a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAInterrupNumSD | Recommended | CDE |
21 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Interruptions number mean value | Mean value of number of times the subject interrupted other speaker during a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAInterrupNumMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
22 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Interruptions number min value | Min value of number of times the subject interrupted other speaker during a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAInterrupNumMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
23 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Interruptions number max value | Max value of number of times the subject interrupted other speaker during a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAInterrupNumMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
24 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Interruptions number %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of number of times the subject interrupted other speaker during a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAInterrupNumSDPerc | Recommended | CDE |
Intelligibility (Appears 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Complete and intelligible utterances percentage | Percentage of complete and intelligible utterances by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSACompIntelUtterPerc | Recommended | CDE |
2 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Complete and intelligible utterances percentage standard deviation | Standard deviation (SD) of percentage of complete and intelligible utterances by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSACompIntelUtterPercSD | Recommended | CDE |
3 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Complete and intelligible utterances percentage mean value | Mean value of percentage of complete and intelligible utterances by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSACompIntelUtterPercMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
4 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Complete and intelligible utterances percentage min value | Min value of percentage of complete and intelligible utterances by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSACompIntelUtterPercMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
5 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Complete and intelligible utterances percentage max value | Max value of percentage of complete and intelligible utterances by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSACompIntelUtterPercMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
6 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Complete and intelligible utterances percentage %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of complete and intelligible utterances by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSACompIntelUtterSDPerc | Recommended | CDE |
Mazes (Appears 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Utterances with mazes number | The number of utterances with mazes by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAUtterWithMazesNum | Recommended | CDE |
2 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Utterances with mazes number standard deviation | Standard deviation (SD) of the number of utterances with mazes by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAUtterWithMazesNumSD | Recommended | CDE |
3 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Utterances with mazes number mean value | Mean value of the number of utterances with mazes by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAUtterWithMazesNumMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
4 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Utterances with mazes number min value | Min value of the number of utterances with mazes by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAUtterWithMazesNumMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
5 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Utterances with mazes number max value | Max value of the number of utterances with mazes by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAUtterWithMazesNumMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
6 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Utterances with mazes number % SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of the number of utterances with mazes by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAUtterWithMazesNumPercSD | Recommended | CDE |
7 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mazes number | The number of mazes produced by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMazesNum | Recommended | CDE |
8 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mazes number standard deviation | The number of mazes produced by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMazesNumSD | Recommended | CDE |
9 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mazes number mean value | Mean value of the number of mazes produced by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMazesNumMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
10 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mazes number min value | Min value of the number of mazes produced by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMazesNumMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
11 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mazes number max value | Max value of the number of mazes produced by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMazesNumMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
12 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Mazes number %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of the number of mazes produced by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMazesNumPercSD | Recommended | CDE |
13 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Maze words number | The number of maze words produced by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMazeWordsNum | Recommended | CDE |
14 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Maze words number SD | Standard deviation (SD) of the number of maze words produced by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMazeWordsNumSD | Recommended | CDE |
15 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Maze words number mean value | Mean value of the number of maze words produced by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMazeWordsNumMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
16 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Maze words number min value | Min value of the number of maze words produced by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMazeWordsNumMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
17 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Maze words number max value | Max value of the number of maze words produced by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMazeWordsNumMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
18 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Maze words number %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of the number of maze words produced by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMazeWordsNumPercSD | Recommended | CDE |
19 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Maze words of total words percent | Percent of maze words of total words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMazeWordsPerc | Recommended | CDE |
20 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Maze words of total words percent SD | Standard deviation (SD) of percent of maze words of total words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMazeWordsPercSD | Recommended | CDE |
21 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Maze words of total words percent mean value | Mean value of percent of maze words of total words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMazeWordsPercMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
22 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Maze words of total words percent min value | Min value of percent of maze words of total words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMazeWordsPercMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
23 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Maze words of total words percent max value | Max value of percent of maze words of total words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMazeWordsPercMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
24 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Maze words of total words percent %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of percent of maze words of total words, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAMazeWordsSDPerc | Recommended | CDE |
25 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Abandoned utterances number | Number of abandoned utterances by the subject in a given sample (12 min), as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAUtterAbandonNum | Recommended | CDE |
26 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Abandoned utterances number SD | Standard deviation of the number of abandoned utterances by the subject in a given sample (12 min), as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAUtterAbandonNumSD | Recommended | CDE |
27 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Abandoned utterances number mean value | Mean value of the number of abandoned utterances by the subject in a given sample (12 min), as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAUtterAbandonNumMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
28 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Abandoned utterances number min value | Min value of the number of abandoned utterances by the subject in a given sample (12 min), as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAUtterAbandonNumMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
29 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Abandoned utterances number max value | Max number of the number of abandoned utterances by the subject in a given sample (12 min), as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAUtterAbandonNumMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
30 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Abandoned utterances number %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of the number of abandoned utterances by the subject in a given sample (12 min), as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAUtterAbandonNumPercSD | Recommended | CDE |
Verbal Facility (Appears 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Words per minute number | The number of words per minute by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAWordsPerMinuteNum | Recommended | CDE |
2 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Words per minute number SD | Standard deviation (SD) of the number of words per minute by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAWordsPerMinuteNumSD | Recommended | CDE |
3 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Words per minute number mean value | Mean value of the number of words per minute by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAWordsPerMinuteNumMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
4 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Words per minute number min value | Min value of the number of words per minute by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAWordsPerMinuteNumMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
5 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Words per minute number max value | Max value of the number of words per minute by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAWordsPerMinuteNumMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
6 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Words per minute number %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of the number of words per minute by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAWordsPerMinuteNumPercSD | Recommended | CDE |
7 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Within utterance pause number | The number of between utterance pauses by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAWithinUtterancePauseNum | Recommended | CDE |
8 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Within utterance pause number SD | Standard deviation (SD) of the number of between utterance pauses by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAWithinUtterancePauseNumSD | Recommended | CDE |
9 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Within utterance pause number mean value | Mean value of the number of between utterance pauses by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAWithinUttPauseNumMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
10 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Within utterance pause number min value | Min value of the number of between utterance pauses by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAWithinUttPauseNumMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
11 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Within utterance pause number max value | Max value of the number of between utterance pauses by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAWithinUttPauseNumMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
12 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Within utterance pause number %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of the number of between utterance pauses by a subject in a given sample (12 min), as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAWithinUttPauseNumPercSD | Recommended | CDE |
13 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Within utterance pause time duration | The total combined time of pauses between utterances by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAWithinUtterancePauseDur | Recommended | CDE |
14 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Within utterance pause time duration SD | Standard deviation (SD) of the total combined time of pauses between utterances by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAWithinUtterancePauseDurSD | Recommended | CDE |
15 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Within utterance pause time duration mean value | Mean value of the total combined time of pauses between utterances by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAWithinUttPauseDurMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
16 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Within utterance pause time duration min value | Min value of the total combined time of pauses between utterances by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAWithinUttPauseDurMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
17 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Within utterance pause time duration max value | Max value of the total combined time of pauses between utterances by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAWithinUttPauseDurMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
18 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Between utterance pause time duration %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of the total combined time of pauses between utterances by a subject in a given sample (12min), as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSABetweenUttPauseDurPercSD | Recommended | CDE |
19 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Between utterance pause number | The number of between utterance pauses by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSABetweenUtterancePauseNum | Recommended | CDE |
20 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Between utterance pause number SD | Standard deviation (SD) of the number of between utterance pauses by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSABetweenUtterancePauseNumSD | Recommended | CDE |
21 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Between utterance pause number mean value | Mean value of the number of between utterance pauses by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSABetweenUttPauseNumMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
22 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Between utterance pause number min value | Min value of the number of between utterance pauses by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSABetweenUttPauseNumMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
23 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Between utterance pause number max value | Max value of the number of between utterance pauses by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSABetweenUttPauseNumMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
24 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Between utterance pause number %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of the number of between utterance pauses by a subject in a given sample (12 min), as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSABetweenUttPauseNumPercSD | Recommended | CDE |
25 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Between utterance pause time duration | The total combined time of pauses between utterances by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSABetweenUtterancePauseDur | Recommended | CDE |
26 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Between utterance pause time duration SD | Standard deviation (SD) of the total combined time of pauses between utterances by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSABetweenUtterancePauseDurSD | Recommended | CDE |
27 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Between utterance pause time duration mean value | Mean value of the total combined time of pauses between utterances by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSABetweenUttPauseDurMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
28 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Between utterance pause time duration max value | Max value of the total combined time of pauses between utterances by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSABetweenUttPauseDurMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
29 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Between utterance pause time duration min value | Min value of the total combined time of pauses between utterances by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSABetweenUttPauseDurMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
30 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Within utterance pause time duration %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of the total combined time of pauses between utterances by a subject in a given sample (12min), as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAWithinUttPauseDurPercSD | Recommended | CDE |
Omissions (Appears 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Omitted words number | Number of omitted words spoken by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAOmittedWordsNum | Recommended | CDE |
2 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Omitted words number SD | Standard deviation (SD) of the number of omitted words spoken by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAOmittedWordsNumSD | Recommended | CDE |
3 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Omitted words number mean value | Mean value of the number of omitted words spoken by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAOmittedWordsNumMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
4 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Omitted words number min value | Min value of the number of omitted words spoken by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAOmittedWordsNumMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
5 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Omitted words number max value | Max value of the number of omitted words spoken by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAOmittedWordsNumMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
6 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Omitted words number %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of the of omitted words spoken by a subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAOmittedWordsNumPercSD | Recommended | CDE |
7 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Omitted morpheme number | Number of omitted morphemes by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAOmittedMorphNum | Recommended | CDE |
8 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Omitted morpheme number SD | Standard deviation (SD) of the number of omitted morphemes by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAOmittedMorphNumSD | Recommended | CDE |
9 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Omitted morpheme number mean value | Mean value of the number of omitted morphemes by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAOmittedMorphNumMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
10 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Omitted morpheme number min value | Min value of the number of omitted morphemes by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAOmittedMorphNumMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
11 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Omitted morpheme number max value | Max value of the number of omitted morphemes by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAOmittedMorphNumMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
12 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Omitted morpheme number %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of the number of omitted morphemes by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAOmittedMorphNumPercSD | Recommended | CDE |
13 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Error at word level count | The count of the number of errors at the word level by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAErrorWordLevelCt | Recommended | CDE |
14 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Error at word level count SD | Standard deviation (SD) of the count of the number of errors at the word level by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAErrorWordLevelCtSD | Recommended | CDE |
15 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Error at word level count mean value | Mean value of the count of the number of errors at the word level by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAErrorWordLevelCtMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
16 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Error at word level count min value | Min value of the count of the number of errors at the word level by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAErrorWordLevelCtMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
17 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Error at word level count max value | Max value of the count of the number of errors at the word level by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAErrorWordLevelCtMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
18 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Error at word level count %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of the count of the number of errors at the word level by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAErrorWordLevelCtPercSD | Recommended | CDE |
19 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Error at morpheme level count | The count of the number of errors at the morpheme level by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAErrorMorphLevelCt | Recommended | CDE |
20 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Error at morpheme level count SD | Standard deviation (SD) of the count of the number of errors at the morpheme level by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAErrorMorphLevelCtSD | Recommended | CDE |
21 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Error at morpheme level count mean value | Mean value of the count of the number of errors at the morpheme level by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAErrorMorphLevelCtMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
22 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Error at morpheme level count min value | Min value of the count of the number of errors at the morpheme level by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAErrorMorphLevelCtMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
23 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Error at morpheme level count max value | Max value of the count of the number of errors at the morpheme level by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAErrorMorphLevelCtMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
24 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Error at morpheme level count %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of the count of the number of errors at the morpheme level by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAErrorMorphLevelCtPercSD | Recommended | CDE |
25 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Error at utterance level count | The count of the number of errors at the utterance level by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAErrorUtterLevelCt | Recommended | CDE |
26 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Error at utterance level count SD | Standard deviation (SD) of the count of the number of errors at the utterance level by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAErrorUtterLevelCtSD | Recommended | CDE |
27 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Error at utterance level count mean value | Mean value of the count of the number of errors at the utterance level by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAErrorUtterLevelCtMeanVal | Recommended | CDE |
28 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Error at utterance level count min value | Min value of the count of the number of errors at the utterance level by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAErrorUtterLevelCtMinVal | Recommended | CDE |
29 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Error at utterance level count max value | Max value of the count of the number of errors at the utterance level by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAErrorUtterLevelCtMaxVal | Recommended | CDE |
30 | Language Sample Analysis (LSA) - Error at utterance level count %SD | Percent of standard deviation (%SD) of the count of the number of errors at the utterance level by the subject in a given sample, as part of the Language Sample Analysis (LSA) | LSAErrorUtterLevelCtPercSD | Recommended | CDE |