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Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - do not use
Short Name:
Please refer to the latest and greatest RivermeadPCSQ FS. The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ), is a questionnaire that can be administered to someone who sustains a concussion or other form of traumatic brain injury to measure the severity of symptoms. The RPQ is used to determine the presence and severity of post-concussion syndrome - a set of somatic, cognitive, and emotional symptoms following traumatic brain injury (TBI) that may persist anywhere from a week, to months, or even more than six months. References; King, N., Crawford, S., Wenden, F., Moss, N., and Wade, D. (1995) J. Neurology 242: 587-592
Traumatic Brain Injury
Required Program Form:
Standard NINDS CDE
Form Type:
Clinical Assessment
Publication Date:
Date Created:
Number of Data Elements:
Logically grouped data elements with defined frequency at which they repeat.

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 GUID   Global Unique ID which uniquely identifies a subject GUID Required CDE
2 Subject identifier number   An identification number assigned to the participant/subject within a given protocol or a study. SubjectIDNum Optional CDE
3 Age in years   Value for participant's subject age recorded in years. AgeYrs Recommended CDE
4 Visit date   Actual interview or visit date VisitDate Recommended CDE
5 Site name   The name of the site for the study SiteName Recommended CDE
6 Days since baseline   The number of days since baseline DaysSinceBaseline Optional CDE
7 Case control indicator   Indicator of whether subject is in the case or control arm of the study. CaseContrlInd Optional CDE
8 General notes text   General notes GeneralNotesTxt Optional CDE

Additional Element Groups

Listed below are your additional element groups.

Form Administration (Repeat Infinitely)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Context type  The context to which the questions were answered ContextType Recommended CDE
2 Context type other text  The free-text related to ContextType specifying other text ContextTypeOTH Recommended CDE
3 Data source  Source of the data provided on the case report form DataSource Recommended CDE
4 Data source other text  The free-text field related to Data source specifying other text. Source of the data provided on the case report form DataSourceOTH Recommended CDE

Questionnaire (Appears Up To 1 Time)

# Title Short Description Variable Name Required? Type
1 Compared with before the accident, do you now suffer from: headaches?  The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Headaches scale RPQHeadachesScale Recommended CDE
2 Compared with before the accident, do you now suffer from: dizziness?  The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Dizziness scale RPQDizzinessScale Recommended CDE
3 Compared with before the accident, do you now suffer from: nausea and/or vomiting?  The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Nausea scale RPQNauseaScale Recommended CDE
4 Compared with before the accident, do you now suffer from: noise sensitivity (easily upset by loud noise)?  The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Noise sensitivity scale RPQNoiseSensScale Recommended CDE
5 Compared with before the accident, do you now suffer from: sleep disturbance?  The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Sleep disturbance scale RPQSleepDistScale Recommended CDE
6 Compared with before the accident, do you now suffer from: fatigue, tiring more easily?  The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Fatigue scale RPQFatigueScale Recommended CDE
7 Compared with before the accident, do you now suffer from: being irritable, easily angered?  The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Irritable scale RPQIrritableScale Recommended CDE
8 Compared with before the accident, do you now suffer from: feeling depressed or tearful?  The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Depression scale RPQDepressedScale Recommended CDE
9 Compared with before the accident, do you now suffer from: feeling frustrated or impatient?  The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Frustrated scale RPQFrustratedScale Recommended CDE
10 Compared with before the accident, do you now suffer from: forgetfulness, poor memory?  The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Forgetfulness scale RPQForgetfulScale Recommended CDE
11 Compared with before the accident, do you now suffer from: poor concentration?  The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Poor concentration scale RPQPoorConcScale Recommended CDE
12 Compared with before the accident, do you now suffer from: taking longer to think?  The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Longer to think scale RPQLongToThinkScale Recommended CDE
13 Compared with before the accident, do you now suffer from: blurred vision?  The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Blurred vision scale RPQBlurredVisionScale Recommended CDE
14 Compared with before the accident, do you now suffer from: light sensitivity (easily upset by bright light)?  The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Light sensitivity scale RPQLightSensScale Recommended CDE
15 Compared with before the accident, do you now suffer from: double vision?  The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Double vision scale RPQDblVisionScale Recommended CDE
16 Compared with before the accident, do you now suffer from: restlessness?  The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Restlessness scale RPQRestlessScale Recommended CDE
17 Compared with before the accident, are you experiencing any other difficulties? Please specify the first other difficulty and rate as above.  The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - First other difficulty scale RPQOthr1DiffcltyScale Recommended CDE
18 Compared with before the accident, are you experiencing any other difficulties? Please specify, and rate as above.  The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - First other difficulty text RPQOthr1DiffcltyTxt Recommended CDE
19 Compared with before the accident, are you experiencing any other difficulties? Please specify, and rate as above.  The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Second other difficulty scale RPQOthr2DiffcltyScale Recommended CDE
20 Compared with before the accident, are you experiencing any other difficulties? Please specify, and rate as above.  The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Second other difficulty text RPQOthr2DiffcltyTxt Recommended CDE
21 The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Sum of the ratings for the first 3 items excluding ratings of 1  Sum of the ratings for the first three items of the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) excluding ratings of 1. RPQ3Score Recommended CDE
22 The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Sum of the ratings for the 13 items (4-16) excluding ratings of 1  Sum of the ratings for the 13 items (4-16) of the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) excluding ratings of 1. RPQ13Score Recommended CDE
23 The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) - Sum of the ratings for items 1-16 excluding ratings of 1  Sum of the ratings for items 1-16 of the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) excluding ratings of 1. RPQTotalScore Recommended CDE

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