Form Structure: Test of Strategic Learning - Youth Version
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | GUID | Global Unique ID which uniquely identifies a subject | GUID | Required | CDE |
2 | Subject identifier number | An identification number assigned to the participant/subject within a given protocol or a study. | SubjectIDNum | Optional | CDE |
3 | Age in years | Value for participant's subject age recorded in years. | AgeYrs | Recommended | CDE |
4 | Vital status | Status of participant/subject as alive or dead | VitStatus | Optional | CDE |
5 | Visit date | Actual interview or visit date | VisitDate | Recommended | CDE |
6 | Site name | The name of the site for the study | SiteName | Recommended | CDE |
7 | Days since baseline | The number of days since baseline | DaysSinceBaseline | Optional | CDE |
8 | Case control indicator | Indicator of whether subject is in the case or control arm of the study. | CaseContrlInd | Optional | CDE |
9 | General notes text | General notes | GeneralNotesTxt | Optional | CDE |
Additional Element Groups
Listed below are your additional element groups.
Form Administration (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | Language form administration ISO code | Code (ISO 639-2) for the language that was used for CRF/instrument/scale/etc. administration | LangCRFAdministratISOCode | Recommended | CDE |
2 | Language form administration ISO code other text | The free-text field related to 'Language used for CRF/instrument/scale/etc. administration ISO code' specifying other text. | LangCRFAdministratISOCodeOTH | Recommended | CDE |
3 | Context type | The context to which the questions were answered | ContextType | Recommended | CDE |
4 | Context type other text | The free-text related to ContextType specifying other text | ContextTypeOTH | Recommended | CDE |
5 | Data source | Source of the data provided on the case report form | DataSource | Recommended | CDE |
6 | Data source other text | The free-text field related to Data source specifying other text. Source of the data provided on the case report form | DataSourceOTH | Recommended | CDE |
TOSL Administration (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Story number type
(Draft) |
Type of story number , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLStoryNumTyp | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Narrative name type
(Draft) |
Type of narrative name , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthNarrNameTyp | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL BEV Administration (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | Test item number (numeric) | The test (or assessment) item number representing the sequence for the items/questions of each test/assessmet/questionnaire being asked | TestItemNum | Recommended | CDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth summerize Bird's Eye View response text
(Draft) |
Text to summarize Bird's Eye View , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthSummBEVRespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Interpretations response text
(Draft) |
Text of messages or interpretations about life that can be learned from the story , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthInterpRespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
4 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Bird's Eye View Question A1 text
(Draft) |
Text response for A Bird's Eye View Question A1 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthBEVQA1RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
5 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Bird's Eye View Question A2 text
(Draft) |
Text response for A Bird's Eye View Question A2 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthBEVQA2RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
6 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Bird's Eye View Question A3 text
(Draft) |
Text response for A Bird's Eye View Question A3 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthBEVQA3RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
7 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Bird's Eye View Question A4 text
(Draft) |
Text response for A Bird's Eye View Question A4 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthBEVQA4RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
8 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Bird's Eye View Question B1 text
(Draft) |
Text response for A Bird's Eye View Question B1 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthBEVQB1RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
9 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Bird's Eye View Question B2 text
(Draft) |
Text response for A Bird's Eye View Question B2 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthBEVQB2RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
10 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Bird's Eye View Question B3 text
(Draft) |
Text response for A Bird's Eye View Question B3 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthBEVQB3RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
11 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Bird's Eye View Question B4 text
(Draft) |
Text response for A Bird's Eye View Question B4 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthBEVQB4RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL BEV Important vs. Unimportant Statements (Appears Up To 10 Times)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | Test item number (numeric) | The test (or assessment) item number representing the sequence for the items/questions of each test/assessmet/questionnaire being asked | TestItemNum | Recommended | CDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Bird's Eye View important statement type
(Draft) |
Type of important statement for A Bird's Eye View , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthBEVImpStatemntTyp | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Important statement indicator
(Draft) |
Indicator of an important statement , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthImpStatemntInd | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL TN Administration (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | Test item number (numeric) | The test (or assessment) item number representing the sequence for the items/questions of each test/assessmet/questionnaire being asked | TestItemNum | Recommended | CDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Summarize The Neighbors text
(Draft) |
Text to summarize The Neighbors , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthSummTNRespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Interpretations response text
(Draft) |
Text of messages or interpretations about life that can be learned from the story , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthInterpRespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
4 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth The Neighbors question A1 text
(Draft) |
Text response for The Neighbors question A1 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTNQA1RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
5 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth The Neighbors question A2 text
(Draft) |
Text response for The Neighbors question A2 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTNQA2RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
6 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth The Neighbors question A3 text
(Draft) |
Text response for The Neighbors question A3 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTNQA3RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
7 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth The Neighbors question A4 text
(Draft) |
Text response for The Neighbors question A4 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTNQA4RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
8 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth The Neighbors question B1 text
(Draft) |
Text response for The Neighbors question B1 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTNQB1RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
9 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth The Neighbors question B2 text
(Draft) |
Text response for The Neighbors question B2 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTNQB2RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
10 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth The Neighbors question B3 text
(Draft) |
Text response for The Neighbors question B3 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTNQB3RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
11 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth The Neighbors question B4 text
(Draft) |
Text response for The Neighbors question B4 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTNQB4RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL TN Important vs. Unimportant Statements (Appears Up To 10 Times)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | Test item number (numeric) | The test (or assessment) item number representing the sequence for the items/questions of each test/assessmet/questionnaire being asked | TestItemNum | Recommended | CDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Important statement indicator
(Draft) |
Indicator of an important statement , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthImpStatemntInd | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth The Neighbors important statement type
(Draft) |
The Neighbors important statement type , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTNImpStatemntTyp | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL AML Administration (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | Test item number (numeric) | The test (or assessment) item number representing the sequence for the items/questions of each test/assessmet/questionnaire being asked | TestItemNum | Recommended | CDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth A Man's Life response text
(Draft) |
Text to summarize A Man's Life , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthSummAMLRespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Interpretations response text
(Draft) |
Text of messages or interpretations about life that can be learned from the story , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthInterpRespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
4 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth A Man's Life question A1 text
(Draft) |
Text response for A Man's Life question A1 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthAMLQA1RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
5 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth A Man's Life question A2 text
(Draft) |
Text response for A Man's Life question A2 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthAMLQA2RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
6 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth A Man's Life question A3 text
(Draft) |
Text response for A Man's Life question A3 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthAMLQA3RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
7 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth A Man's Life question A4 text
(Draft) |
Text response for A Man's Life question A4 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthAMLQA4RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
8 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth A Man's Life question B1 text
(Draft) |
Text response for A Man's Life question B1 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthAMLQB1RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
9 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth A Man's Life question B2 text
(Draft) |
Text response for A Man's Life question B2 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthAMLQB2RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
10 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth A Man's Life question B3 text
(Draft) |
Text response for A Man's Life question B3 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthAMLQB3RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
11 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth A Man's Life question B4 text
(Draft) |
Text response for A Man's Life question B4 , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthAMLQB4RespTxt | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL AML Important vs. Unimportant Statements (Appears Up To 10 Times)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 | Test item number (numeric) | The test (or assessment) item number representing the sequence for the items/questions of each test/assessmet/questionnaire being asked | TestItemNum | Recommended | CDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Important statement indicator
(Draft) |
Indicator of an important statement , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthImpStatemntInd | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth A Man's Life important statement type
(Draft) |
Type of important statement for A Man's Life , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthAMLImpStatemntTyp | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL BEV Overall Ratings (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Bird's Eye View strategic memory score
(Draft) |
Score of strategic memory for A Bird's Eye View , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthBEVStMemScore | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Bird's Eye View gist score
(Draft) |
Score for gist reasoning for a Bird's Eye View , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthBEVGistScore | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Adult lesson score
(Draft) |
Score for interpretative statement/lesson score , as part of the Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLLsnScore | Recommended | UDE |
4 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Adult abstract count
(Draft) |
Count of the abstract lessons , as part of the Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLAbstractCt | Recommended | UDE |
5 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Adult concrete count
(Draft) |
Count of the concrete lessons , as part of the Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLConcreteCt | Recommended | UDE |
6 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Explicit probes score
(Draft) |
Score of explicit probes , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthExplicitProbesScore | Recommended | UDE |
7 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Implicit probes score
(Draft) |
Score of implicit probes , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthImplicitProbesScore | Recommended | UDE |
8 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Total probes achieved score
(Draft) |
Score of total probes achieved score , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTtlProbesAchvdScore | Recommended | UDE |
9 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Important unimportant total achieved score
(Draft) |
Score total achieved for important and unimportant statements , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthImpUnimpTtlAchvdScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL TN Overall Ratings (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth The Neighbors strategic memory score
(Draft) |
Score of strategic memory for The Neighbors , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTNStMemScore | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth The Neighbors gist score
(Draft) |
Score for gist reasoning , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthGistScore | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Adult lesson score
(Draft) |
Score for interpretative statement/lesson score , as part of the Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLLsnScore | Recommended | UDE |
4 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Adult abstract count
(Draft) |
Count of the abstract lessons , as part of the Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLAbstractCt | Recommended | UDE |
5 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Adult concrete count
(Draft) |
Count of the concrete lessons , as part of the Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLConcreteCt | Recommended | UDE |
6 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Explicit probes score
(Draft) |
Score of explicit probes , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthExplicitProbesScore | Recommended | UDE |
7 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Implicit probes score
(Draft) |
Score of implicit probes , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthImplicitProbesScore | Recommended | UDE |
8 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Total probes achieved score
(Draft) |
Score of total probes achieved score , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTtlProbesAchvdScore | Recommended | UDE |
9 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Important unimportant total achieved score
(Draft) |
Score total achieved for important and unimportant statements , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthImpUnimpTtlAchvdScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL AML Overall Ratings (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth A Man's Life strategic memory score
(Draft) |
Score of strategic memory for A Man's Life , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthAMLStMemScore | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth The Neighbors gist score
(Draft) |
Score for gist reasoning , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthGistScore | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Adult lesson score
(Draft) |
Score for interpretative statement/lesson score , as part of the Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLLsnScore | Recommended | UDE |
4 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Adult abstract count
(Draft) |
Count of the abstract lessons , as part of the Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLAbstractCt | Recommended | UDE |
5 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Adult concrete count
(Draft) |
Count of the concrete lessons , as part of the Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLConcreteCt | Recommended | UDE |
6 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Explicit probes score
(Draft) |
Score of explicit probes , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthExplicitProbesScore | Recommended | UDE |
7 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Implicit probes score
(Draft) |
Score of implicit probes , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthImplicitProbesScore | Recommended | UDE |
8 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Total probes achieved score
(Draft) |
Score of total probes achieved score , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTtlProbesAchvdScore | Recommended | UDE |
9 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Important unimportant total achieved score
(Draft) |
Score total achieved for important and unimportant statements , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthImpUnimpTtlAchvdScore | Recommended | UDE |
10 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Recognition total correct score
(Draft) |
Score total of total jobs correctly recognized , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthRecogTtlCrrctScore | Recommended | UDE |
11 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth False positive total correct score
(Draft) |
Score total of false positives , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthFPosTtlCrrctScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL Ttl Overall Ratings (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Youth strategic memory total score
(Draft) |
Score total of youth strategic memory , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthStMemTtlScore | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Gist total score
(Draft) |
Score total of gist reasoning , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthGistTtlScore | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Interpretative total score
(Draft) |
Score total of interpretative statement/lesson , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthInterpTtlScore | Recommended | UDE |
4 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Total abstract lessons count
(Draft) |
Count total of abstract lessons , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTtlAbstractLsnsCt | Recommended | UDE |
5 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Total concrete lessons count
(Draft) |
Count total of concrete lessons , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTtlConcreteLsnsCt | Recommended | UDE |
6 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Total explicit score
(Draft) |
Score of total explicit probes achieved , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTtlExplicitScore | Recommended | UDE |
7 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Total implicit score
(Draft) |
Score of total implicit probes achieved , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTtlImplicitScore | Recommended | UDE |
8 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Total probes score
(Draft) |
Score total of probes, as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTtlProbesScore | Recommended | UDE |
9 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Important unimportant total score
(Draft) |
Score total for important and unimportant statements , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthImpUnimpTtlScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL BEV Cohesion Idea Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 7 Times)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Idea type
(Draft) |
Type of idea to be scored , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthIdeaTyp | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Cohesion idea type score
(Draft) |
Score for idea type , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthIdeaTypScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL BEV Cohesion Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Correct references score
(Draft) |
Score of correct references , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthCrrctRefScore | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Correct sequence score
(Draft) |
Score of correct sequence , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthCrrctSeqScore | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Bird's Eye View strategic memory score
(Draft) |
Score of strategic memory for A Bird's Eye View , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthBEVStMemScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL BEV Coherence Idea Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 6 Times)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Idea type
(Draft) |
Type of idea to be scored , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthIdeaTyp | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Cohesion idea type score
(Draft) |
Score for idea type , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthIdeaTypScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL BEV Coherence Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Bird's Eye View gist score
(Draft) |
Score for gist reasoning for a Bird's Eye View , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthBEVGistScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL BEV Lesson Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Adult lesson score
(Draft) |
Score for interpretative statement/lesson score , as part of the Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLLsnScore | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Adult abstract count
(Draft) |
Count of the abstract lessons , as part of the Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLAbstractCt | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Adult concrete count
(Draft) |
Count of the concrete lessons , as part of the Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLConcreteCt | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL BEV Explicit Probes Question Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 4 Times)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Question type
(Draft) |
Type of question , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthQuestionTyp | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Question type score
(Draft) |
Score of question type , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthQuestionTypScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL BEV Implicit Probes Question Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 4 Times)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Question type
(Draft) |
Type of question , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthQuestionTyp | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Question type score
(Draft) |
Score of question type , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthQuestionTypScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL BEV Probes Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Explicit probes score
(Draft) |
Score of explicit probes , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthExplicitProbesScore | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Implicit probes score
(Draft) |
Score of implicit probes , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthImplicitProbesScore | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Total probes achieved score
(Draft) |
Score of total probes achieved score , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTtlProbesAchvdScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL BEV Important Unimportant Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Total important achieved score
(Draft) |
Score of total important achieved , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTtlImpAchvdScore | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Total unimportant achieved score
(Draft) |
Score of total unimportant achieved , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTtlUnimpAchvdScore | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Important unimportant total achieved score
(Draft) |
Score total achieved for important and unimportant statements , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthImpUnimpTtlAchvdScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL TN Cohesion Idea Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 10 Times)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Idea type
(Draft) |
Type of idea to be scored , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthIdeaTyp | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Cohesion idea type score
(Draft) |
Score for idea type , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthIdeaTypScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL TN Cohesion Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Correct references score
(Draft) |
Score of correct references , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthCrrctRefScore | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Correct sequence score
(Draft) |
Score of correct sequence , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthCrrctSeqScore | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth The Neighbors strategic memory score
(Draft) |
Score of strategic memory for The Neighbors , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTNStMemScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL TN Coherence Idea Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 10 Times)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Idea type
(Draft) |
Type of idea to be scored , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthIdeaTyp | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Cohesion idea type score
(Draft) |
Score for idea type , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthIdeaTypScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL TN Coherence Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth The Neighbors gist score
(Draft) |
Score for gist reasoning , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthGistScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL TN Lesson Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Adult lesson score
(Draft) |
Score for interpretative statement/lesson score , as part of the Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLLsnScore | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Adult abstract count
(Draft) |
Count of the abstract lessons , as part of the Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLAbstractCt | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Adult concrete count
(Draft) |
Count of the concrete lessons , as part of the Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLConcreteCt | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL TN Explicit Probes Question Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 4 Times)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Question type
(Draft) |
Type of question , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthQuestionTyp | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Question type score
(Draft) |
Score of question type , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthQuestionTypScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL TN Implicit Probes Question Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 4 Times)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Question type
(Draft) |
Type of question , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthQuestionTyp | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Question type score
(Draft) |
Score of question type , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthQuestionTypScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL TN Probes Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Explicit probes score
(Draft) |
Score of explicit probes , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthExplicitProbesScore | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Implicit probes score
(Draft) |
Score of implicit probes , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthImplicitProbesScore | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Total probes achieved score
(Draft) |
Score of total probes achieved score , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTtlProbesAchvdScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL TN Important Unimportant Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Total important achieved score
(Draft) |
Score of total important achieved , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTtlImpAchvdScore | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Total unimportant achieved score
(Draft) |
Score of total unimportant achieved , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTtlUnimpAchvdScore | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Important unimportant total achieved score
(Draft) |
Score total achieved for important and unimportant statements , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthImpUnimpTtlAchvdScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL AML Cohesion Idea Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 5 Times)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Idea type
(Draft) |
Type of idea to be scored , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthIdeaTyp | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Cohesion idea type score
(Draft) |
Score for idea type , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthIdeaTypScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL AML Cohesion Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Correct references score
(Draft) |
Score of correct references , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthCrrctRefScore | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Correct sequence score
(Draft) |
Score of correct sequence , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthCrrctSeqScore | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth A Man's Life strategic memory score
(Draft) |
Score of strategic memory for A Man's Life , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthAMLStMemScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL AML Coherence Idea Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 10 Times)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Idea type
(Draft) |
Type of idea to be scored , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthIdeaTyp | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Cohesion idea type score
(Draft) |
Score for idea type , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthIdeaTypScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL AML Coherence Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth The Neighbors gist score
(Draft) |
Score for gist reasoning , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthGistScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL AML Lesson Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Adult lesson score
(Draft) |
Score for interpretative statement/lesson score , as part of the Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLLsnScore | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Adult abstract count
(Draft) |
Count of the abstract lessons , as part of the Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLAbstractCt | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Adult concrete count
(Draft) |
Count of the concrete lessons , as part of the Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLConcreteCt | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL AML Explicit Probes Question Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 4 Times)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Question type
(Draft) |
Type of question , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthQuestionTyp | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Question type score
(Draft) |
Score of question type , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthQuestionTypScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL AML Implicit Probes Question Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 4 Times)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Question type
(Draft) |
Type of question , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthQuestionTyp | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Question type score
(Draft) |
Score of question type , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthQuestionTypScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL AML Probes Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Explicit probes score
(Draft) |
Score of explicit probes , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthExplicitProbesScore | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Implicit probes score
(Draft) |
Score of implicit probes , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthImplicitProbesScore | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Total probes achieved score
(Draft) |
Score of total probes achieved score , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTtlProbesAchvdScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL AML Important Unimportant Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Total important achieved score
(Draft) |
Score of total important achieved , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTtlImpAchvdScore | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Total unimportant achieved score
(Draft) |
Score of total unimportant achieved , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthTtlUnimpAchvdScore | Recommended | UDE |
3 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Important unimportant total achieved score
(Draft) |
Score total achieved for important and unimportant statements , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthImpUnimpTtlAchvdScore | Recommended | UDE |
TOSL AML Recognition Itemized Scores (Appears Up To 1 Time)
# | Title | Short Description | Variable Name | Required? | Type |
1 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth Recognition total correct score
(Draft) |
Score total of total jobs correctly recognized , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthRecogTtlCrrctScore | Recommended | UDE |
2 |
Test of Strategic Learning-Youth False positive total correct score
(Draft) |
Score total of false positives , as part of Test of Strategic Learning | TOSLYouthFPosTtlCrrctScore | Recommended | UDE |